UOB One vs DBS Multiplier

UOB One vs DBS Multiplier

Thursday, April 20, 2023  /  Jes  /  0 Comments

This is a long overdue post. A lot of bloggers have already commented on the high interest rates of banks this past few months. I find that I still have to drill on the essentials so that more of you understand how big a deal this is. If you do not like monitoring your savings, now it's time to...

Top lessons from my business venture

Top lessons from my business venture

Thursday, April 06, 2023  /  Jes  /  4 Comments

Hi guys, I am back! Thankful to all who is still here after so many years. For those who contacted me and I did not reply, forgive me, I did not check my email at all. My time was still spent building my business at SnackFirst but with my kids more grown up, 5 and 7 years old now,...

Taking advantage of the low interest rate - Changing from HDB loan to a bank loan

Taking advantage of the low interest rate - Changing from HDB loan to a bank loan

Monday, November 23, 2020  /  Jes  /  0 Comments

I wrote a post previously that I was still with HDB loan because of the peace of mind and lesser cash upfront needed when I purchased my house.Now with the all-time low interest rates, I have decided to cave and change to a bank loan. Now is the time when we have 20 years lowest interest rate, I would...

10 super good deals to grab from Shopee (Exclusive insider info from seller!)

10 super good deals to grab from Shopee (Exclusive insider info from seller!)

Sunday, April 05, 2020  /  Jes  /  0 Comments

Right now, if you have not heard of Shopee, you are definitely losing out. With huge marketing budget and a clean, fuss-free online platform, it is no wonder that Shopee is the fastest growing platform, not just in Singapore, but also the whole of South East Asia. ...

How motherhood changed me - Why I no longer want a travelling job

How motherhood changed me - Why I no longer want a travelling job

Monday, February 17, 2020  /  Jes  /  8 Comments

We are not wired to be parents. When we were born, we were looked after by our family. When our parents took care of us, it was easy to enjoy life and be selfish about own needs. My parents were the traditional type, they said we could only date after 18 years old. Dating is rarely a successful...

Guard your time well, or you will lose it

Guard your time well, or you will lose it

Thursday, November 28, 2019  /  Jes  /  2 Comments

I blogged previously stating how 30 to 40 years old is a period of  'Not enough time'. Yet I find so many becoming a hamster on a wheel, whereby you allow non consequential people and circumstances to dictate your schedule. If you cannot manage your time well, it's difficult to feel happiness. ...

To succeed, what are you willing to sacrifice?

To succeed, what are you willing to sacrifice?

Tuesday, October 08, 2019  /  Jes  /  4 Comments

Success? What exactly is success? I used to think that to be successful is to be rich and not have to work at all. To be a 'tai tai' was like an ideal dream and that defines the pinnacle of success. Now that I am in my 30s, success is not so straight forward anymore.  ...

5 reasons why you should start online shopping

5 reasons why you should start online shopping

Thursday, September 12, 2019  /  Jes  /  1 Comments

Online shopping is a way of life for many of us, especially for working adults and that makes up around 26% of the population. There is still a large portion of the population who is not into buying things online and I don't understand why. ...

The cheapest diapers in Singapore!

The cheapest diapers in Singapore!

Wednesday, June 19, 2019  /  Jes  /  0 Comments

I always think that diapers are very much overpriced but super necessary. Ask me to use reusable diapers and wash the poop and urine every day, I will not do it, I would rather pay for disposable diapers. However, as with all things, they should be made cheaper because we change diapers so frequently at every 2 to...

3 lessons I learnt from my kids

3 lessons I learnt from my kids

Tuesday, May 07, 2019  /  Jes  /  2 Comments

These days, I am busy teaching my daughters all kinds of things. I corrected my elder daughter's pronunciation, questioned her on alphabets and quizzed her on colours. The different types of transportation, why lizards can climb on walls and how there are no monsters in the world, those are just some questions parents have to answer every day....