Sugar vs honey vs maple syrup and other sweeteners
In this fight against diabetes, it's high time we take a look at the substitutes of sugar and determine which we should change to.
We can never get rid of sugar completely, think about our ice cream, soft drinks, coffee, desserts, chocolates and Honey Creamy Macadamia. We are just flooded with sweets and it makes us feel so much happier after consuming them. Of course we can't eat too much of sweet things. Let's see how we can replace them with other alternatives and you can decide what is good for you!
1. Brown sugar
What is it: Both brown and white sugar are made by boiling and evaporating cane sugar juice to form solid sugar crystals.
Why is is good: As this type of sugar does not go through a lot of processing methods including bleaching, they have a darker colours and gives a caramel flavour with a richer taste than white sugar. Not just that, they also contain more amount of calcium and iron nutrients.
We can never get rid of sugar completely, think about our ice cream, soft drinks, coffee, desserts, chocolates and Honey Creamy Macadamia. We are just flooded with sweets and it makes us feel so much happier after consuming them. Of course we can't eat too much of sweet things. Let's see how we can replace them with other alternatives and you can decide what is good for you!
1. Brown sugar
What is it: Both brown and white sugar are made by boiling and evaporating cane sugar juice to form solid sugar crystals.
Why is is good: As this type of sugar does not go through a lot of processing methods including bleaching, they have a darker colours and gives a caramel flavour with a richer taste than white sugar. Not just that, they also contain more amount of calcium and iron nutrients.
None of them are healthy!
The trace amount of nutrients does not mean you can consume more because they will still raise your sugar content. We do not eat sugar on its own so it ultimately depends on the kind of food we eat as a whole.
So, go easy on sugar, try to enjoy coffee or tea without it. They really taste more fragrant and you will grow to like it. Remember to take sugar in moderation as per all kinds of food!
P.S: We have reduced our price on all raw and baked nuts for up to 20%! This is only until 30 Sept so hurry and get them soon!
This article first appeared on the blog of SnackFirst. SnackFirst sells nuts in small packaging and also in bulk and best of all, it's free shipping!
This article first appeared on the blog of SnackFirst. SnackFirst sells nuts in small packaging and also in bulk and best of all, it's free shipping!
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